Warranty and Guarantee Billing

Autarco systems are eligible for a selection of different performance guarantees, either guaranteeing absolute yields in kWh, or the Performance Ratio. There are different terms and payouts available. You may also choose different inverter warranty periods.

When you choose to offer one of these additional services, to make your financial administration easier, Helios now allows you to add the costs for all performance guarantees and product guarantees to the regular materials quote. This ensures all costs related to a project are collected in a single transaction, doing away with the extension quotes received after registering a system.

To make your life as simple as possible we allow you to set up default preferences based on what you like to offer these services to customers. To read more about setting up and understanding these preferences please go here; https://wordpress-309485-1827387.cloudwaysapps.com/using-helios/registration/dealer-preferences/

  • Inverter Warranties: There are fixed costs for each inverter series. In the top bar go to Prices -> Wararnty Extension.
  • Guarantees: The cost of the performance guarantee is based on the kWp, compensation rate, term and insurance level.
  • O&M: The cost of O&M is based on the kWp, term and O&M level.

From the relevant system page, navigate to ‘Asset Management’ -> ‘Guarantee & maintenance’ to see the expected extension costs and commissions for the different performance guarantee options.

Inverter Warranty and Guarantee: You have a choice;

  • Include service costs in material quote.
  • Create quote for service costs after registration.

There are two places where you can select the method you prefer;

  • Profile Preference: On your profile page if you select “Include service costs on order confirmation” then the services will be default included in material quotes.
  • On Quote Acceptance: When you click on accept quote, in the popup window where you confirm delivery options, there is also a checkbox to include these costs in the material quote. This will default to the preference in your profile, but can be changed here if you wish.

O&M contracts are paid on an annual basis by the Beneficiary of the O&M contract who is usually the end customer. The first invoice will be sent after our technical due diligence on the fully installed system is completed.

It is possible that you may change the guarantee and maintenance settings of a system after quote acceptance and this can change the total cost payable. If the costs change materially there may be a credit note or additional invoice created on registration.

In order to avoid unecessary administraiton we ask you take care to ensure the system settings are correct before accepting a quote.

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